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1 question, single spread Lenormand Reading.


Single Question/One spread Lenormand

This is done through the guidance of the ancestors and spirit guides, a session is opened for the client to ask a question on any situation, this reading is done with Lenormand Cards.
A report will be sent out through Message with a photo of the session.

If you have a serious situation, this short reading is not going to offer a detailed report nor give you a deep answer to your question, if you have something serious, I advice you seek a deeper session, give all info necessary to receive a good answer, leaving important info out might end up with inconclusive answers.

———-After purchase————
Email your question, full name and date of birth with a photo to [email protected], a report will be sent back to you with photos after the casting is performed.

All sales are final

"All information is for entertainment only."