Working on the next release

Ultimate charm of Khunpaen.


This Khunpaen is made out of a heavy blend of ingredients including the mixture of wan 108, over 100 older holy amulets turned to dust, mixtures of different materials collected by different masters, different types of see pueng from different masters, medicinal herbs for blessing and enchantment, the hair of Luang por Chaluay to enhance and add to the enchanting nature of the amulet.
The amulet is helpful on charming and drawing the kindness from others towards you, helps protect from negative influences from spirits, covers you with radiance and you can pray your hearts desire to it, because of the holy mixture it’s made out of, it can be helpful in many situations, raises your status of popularity, draws admiration by others.

There’s two versions, the special edition is the one with the takrut on its back, it has an extra blend of ingredients to enhance its qualities.

Care is easy as it doesn’t require food offerings.
Kata and instructions will be included